表面看来,金智英(郑有美 饰)是一个生活在幸福之中的家庭主妇,有一个收入不菲又温柔体贴的丈夫郑大贤(孔侑 饰)和一个非常可爱的女儿,在波澜不惊的日子里享受着每一天的平淡和安稳。 实际上,金智英的内心早就如同地震一般的产生了天崩地裂的动摇....展开全部表面看来,金智英(郑有美 饰)是一个生活在幸福之中的家庭主妇,有一个收入不菲又温柔体贴的丈夫郑大贤(孔侑 饰)和一个非常可爱的女儿,在波澜不惊的日子里享受着每一天的平淡和安稳。 实际上,金智英的内心早就如同地震一般的产生了天崩地裂的动摇,在她的身上背负着无比沉重的枷锁。婆婆面前,她要扮演逆来顺受的好儿媳。丈夫面前,她又是无条件支持他的贤妻。面对女儿,金智英必须隐藏起脆弱,做她无坚不摧的母亲。那么,真正的金智英究竟在哪儿呢?长久的压抑和挣扎中,金智英患上了心理疾病,郑大贤决定和妻子一起接受心理咨询,共同面对命运设置给他们的难题。On the surface, Jin Zhiying (Zheng Youmei) is a housewife living in happiness. She has a well-paid, gentle and considerate husband, Zheng Daxian (Kong Yixian), and a very lovely daughter. Enjoying the dullness and stability of each day.In fact, Jin Zhiying's heart has long been shaken like an earthquake, and she has an extremely heavy shackle on her body. In front of her mother-in-law, she has to act as a good daughter-in-law who is submissive. In front of her husband, she was an unconditional wife to support him. In the face of her daughter, Jin Zhiying must hide her fragility and become her mother. So, where is the real Kim Ji Young? During a long period of depression and struggle, Jin Zhiying suffered from a mental illness. Zheng Daxian decided to take psychological counseling with his wife and face the problems set by them by fate.收起全部