1985年的南宿一中,苗宛秋老师推自行车昂首走在校园,接受着人们艳羡的目光和纷至沓来的恭维。桀傲不驯的洛小乙、温婉可人的安静、新潮前卫的关婷婷、大智若愚的脑袋、舞痴兄弟文明建设、八婆海燕、奸商耗子……三班是一个永远也不缺故事的集体。苗宛秋怎....展开全部1985年的南宿一中,苗宛秋老师推自行车昂首走在校园,接受着人们艳羡的目光和纷至沓来的恭维。桀傲不驯的洛小乙、温婉可人的安静、新潮前卫的关婷婷、大智若愚的脑袋、舞痴兄弟文明建设、八婆海燕、奸商耗子……三班是一个永远也不缺故事的集体。苗宛秋怎么也不会想到,他即将走进的这个三班将会成为他以及他身边这辆自行车的噩梦。三班的同学也没有想到,这位新来的老师改变了他们的一生。In Nanzhong No. 1 Middle School in 1985, Miao Wanqiu’s teacher pushed the bicycle to head on the campus and accepted the enviable eyes and compliments. The unruly Luo Xiaoyi, the gentle and quiet, the trendy and avant-garde Guan Tingting, the brain of Dazhi Ruoyu, the construction of the dance brothers, the Ba Po Haiyan, the profiteers... The three classes are a group that never misses the story. . Miao Wanqiu would not have thought that the three shifts he was about to enter would be a nightmare for him and the bicycle around him. The classmates of the three classes did not think that the new teacher changed their life.收起全部